Business internationalization raises important challenges that every company must be prepared to overtake. From choosing the country to extend the business to provide the new market with a supply chain, every aspect must be addressed in a professional way and every risk must be carefully assessed.
Every new market represents an opportunity for a business to extend its operations but the company has to pay attention to several key elements. Globalization offers a multitude of new chances to discover other markets but accessing them requires complex strategies and planning.
One of the most important elements of the internationalisation process is the strategic communication a company chooses to employ. Through strategic communication, the company uses targeted messages with only one goal – to achieve its objectives. All areas of communication are comprised here, from public relations to brand communication or advertising. Every message transmitted through these channels must be cohesive and give a sense of unity to the company’s communication activities and brand image.
The internationalisation process has more stages and each one of them needs a unitary vision that will create the premises of successful expansion. After choosing a new market the organization must follow a series of steps:
- Conduct a market analysis
- Plan the market entry
- Evaluate the market position
- Consider the targets
- Fine-tune the services and products
- Evaluate the company’s core competencies
- Analyze the supply chain and value chain options
Strategic communication accompanies the internationalisation process in all these stages because it creates and disseminates the brand’s core values to the new audiences. Strategic communication sets goals, coordinates the messages that the company delivers and analyse the impact on the behaviour, the perceptions or the attitude of the public.
The unitary vision that will be created on the new markets is defined after elaborate planning and research on social and cultural specificity. The message targets a specific audience that fits organisational goals and intends to send it relevant content to disseminate the company’s values and vision.
Digital changes encourage the business environment to evolve. The way societies communicate changed drastically in the last decades to the point where every person can generate content. This new reality forced companies to adapt their approach of how the messages and brand’s vision are delivered. New channels with particular characteristics emerged and organisations had to coordinate the way they communicate on the new and old media channels. Strategic communication department synchronises the messages on all platforms in one specific vision.
Strategic communication represents an asset
for the internationalisation process
as it creates the framework in which it develops.
The message that the company disseminates is intentional and based on analysis and specific goals. Choosing the right platforms to reach the targeted audience is a challenge in today’s world where communication channels are so diverse. Appropriate message and right platforms necessitate a calculated timing for launching a campaign. Brands must always pay attention to the social context because it can influence the way the campaign is perceived. Audience segmentation is essential because it will generate more efficient tactics and better results. If the company knows which social groups it targets then can launch a more impactful campaign.
Business internationalisation is a competition between old economic entities already on the market and new organisations trying to access these new markets. Gaining a market share is a tough task and requires an extremely elaborate strategy. Globalisation and technological development changed the business environment and the way a brand communicates is essential in attracting its audience. In this context, strategic communication becomes a core instrument for every internationalisation strategy because it builds the framework for accessing the new markets with a cohesive approach that ensures the expected results.
Written by Adriana Cocîrţă – CEO & Owner – Nomade Communication
This is a great article!